TMA Alliance Community Outreach

Alliance chapters around the state impact their communities by participating in TMA’s ready-made outreach programs or creating one of their own signature public health programs. The TMA programs, listed below, are funded through generous support from the TMA Foundation (TMAF) and its donors.

In addition, the TMA Foundation awards funding to county medical societies and alliance or medical student chapters for other community health improvement programs through its Medical Community Grant Program. Alliance chapters can apply for up to $7,500 in matching funds to support initiatives focused on any of TMA’s public health and science priorities.

TMA-Sponsored Programs

Hard Hats for Little Heads

TMA’s longest running outreach program, Hard Hats for Little Heads, was created for Texas physicians, medical students, and alliance members to help prevent head injuries and encourage safe exercise by giving bike helmets in their communities. Since the program began in 1994, nearly 400,000 Texas youth have received a free bicycle helmet.


Texas Bookshare

Texas BookShare, launched in 2018, promotes literacy and good health. The program encourages alliances to collaborate with local physicians who “prescribe” books, available in English and Spanish, to their young patients that focus on staying active, growing a garden, eating healthy foods, and other good health messages.


Vaccines Defend What Matters

Vaccines Defend What Matters is TMA’s integrated, multimedia public health education and advocacy effort to combat vaccine hesitancy and increase vaccination rates in Texas. The campaign includes fact sheets, videos, and a comprehensive social media toolkit to help combat misinformation about vaccines. Local Impact Grants also are available to support local vaccination education and outreach activities.


Walk With a Doc Texas

Walk with a Doc combines walking and conversation to promote a healthier lifestyle in people of all ages. TMA is now part of this worldwide grassroots movement. Walk with a Doc Texas has a proven track record of helping people commit to a healthy lifestyle through monthly, physician- and medical student-led walks throughout Texas.